Thursday, 17 February 2011


We have got quite a bit of filming done so far and what we need to do now is go to one of our houses and film the three girls doing there individual make overs to perfect themself for chase. We also need to do a corridor shot of Chase walking down the corrider looking at all three sets of girls and there friends. Due to me being away in the half term the other two members have arranged to come into school during the holiday and collect the camera and try and film a bit at one of there houses. We have the arranged to meet the last saturday 26th and sunday 27th of half term to finish the filming we need to do at one of our houses. We then just need the corrider scene which we will do the first lesson on monday 28th febuary. If we are satisfied with what we have then we will just edit it until its perfect and go and re film anything we feel isnt good enough.

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